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FOSS Orientation


The Free And Open Source Software Cell is organizing a 2 hour orientation session for the freshers on 2nd May, 2022, 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM on the ideology, application of Free and Open Source Software and FOSSNSS. The main aim of this orientation will be to give the newly arrived First Years, some insight into the world of Free and Open Source Software.

Venue:DLH HALL - NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad
Time: 3:30 PM to 5:30PM
Date: 26th May, 2022

Main Agenda

  • Introduction about FOSS
  • Why a campus community like FOSSNSS?
  • Our activities, past and future prospects.
  • Experience sharing from the FOSSNSS'21 team

NOTE: Students from any department are allowed to participate